Educational Training Workbench for Mechatronics and Power Hydraulics


New and modern disciplines such as mechatronics and hydraulics are represented in the curricula of educational institutions, but the modern way of their implementation is not. A modern and efficient way of training young experts in the mentioned fields is only possible with adequate didactic equipment.

The problem of the lack of quality didactic equipment that would enable the implementation of adopted plans and programs in high schools and colleges was recognized by the project team. 

The participants in the project, based on their many years of experience in training students, high school professors and engineers from the economy, formed an educational program in the field of mechatronics and hydraulics.

The designed educational program is already an integral part of plans and programs for secondary technical schools and faculties.

Project content

Our educational program in the field of mechatronics and hydraulics has already proven to be extremely effective in practice. It is an inseparable combination of theoretical lectures, practical tasks and didactic equipment. Pupils, students, adults on retraining, industrial workers, learn through practical exercises and perform specific tasks on didactic equipment. During work with didactic equipment, practical knowledge is acquired, learning through work, independent problem solving, but also through the elimination of mistakes and malfunctions.

During various educational applications, it was determined that the bottleneck of the educational process, which is well designed and adopted, is didactic equipment that is not available or can be obtained and adapted to our plans and programs, but is extremely expensive. In general, didactic equipment on the market has a very high price, but not sufficient quality

The result of the project

Through the project, new didactic equipment was developed and designed, through which a new learning technology of mechatronics and hydraulics was introduced in a wide range of applications: from secondary and higher education to industry.

The didactic equipment that is the result of the project is offered to the market and it is possible to get it in the form of a work table with manuals for performing exercises, i.e. learning. There are two manuals, hydraulics and mechatronics. The manuals contain solved tasks that are based on practical problems and real applications.

Through the project, new didactic equipment was developed and designed, through which a new learning technology of mechatronics and hydraulics was introduced in a wide range of applications: from secondary and higher education to industry that is looking for devices on which their engineers can test new solutions and learn through practice but outside the sensitive industrial process.

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